Monday, November 9, 2009

屋业发展忽略自然界定律 峇都丁宜或地陷









至 于询及如何解决此问题时,他则表示须由州政府与发展商交涉,因管辖范围内,目前并未发现有违规的事,除非房屋出现裂痕,那他们就会马上介入。不过,郑雨周 并不认同莫哈末哈斯鲁希山的答复,并表示将要求当局处理,毕竟现有的发展商是后来才接手,并没有意识到有关的房屋是建在河床上。


Report By Kwong Wah Yit Poh

与居民同一阵线 郑雨周反对发展山坡







乔治:不反对发展 但要顾及人命

丹绒武雅居协主席乔治亚力指出, 人民不反对发展,却不欢迎发展商拿人命当赌注 ;他炮轰槟州政府在结构大蓝图上只认图,不认字,以致丹绒武雅将面对不受限制发展。他恫言,一旦山坡面对干扰,肯定会面对风险。



彭永添:若不反对 日后或殃及子孙





■ 郑雨周也与人民一起,反对山坡发展计划。

■ 要求首长停止山坡发展计划。

( Report by Kwong Wah Yit Poh )

郑雨周等30人慈善落发 槟安医院义卖会筹逾15万




他是周日在槟安医院主办的“Makan Siok Siok”美食慈善义卖会上,如是表示。这项美食义卖活动共设有80档美食。





■ 一起落发,为慈善尽一份力。

( Report By Kwong Wah Yit Poh )

购置峇都丁宜发展商仅建百间房屋 上诉得直无须建巴刹

(槟城7日讯)通过第三者购置峇都丁宜地段兴建百多间房屋的发展商Blossom Times,针对发展大蓝图列出兴建2千间房屋单位施加的承建公共巴刹条件向槟岛市政局提出上诉得直,获得豁免承建巴刹的责任。

槟州地方政府委员会主席曹观友行政议员向本报记者透露,由于发展商Blossom Times只是在巴都丁宜兴建百多间房屋单位,所以若要求对方承建一座公共巴刹,似乎对发展商“不公平”。






获 市政局豁免承建巴刹的发展商Blossom Times发言人在接受本报记者询及时表示,公司代表是在上周与曹观友行政议员等会面,在获得豁免承建巴刹之后,公司已同意额外献捐3万令吉作为承建巴刹 的经费。他表示公司在之前已献捐2万令吉作为市政局提供小贩空间的用途,因此,公司共已捐出5万令吉。





郑雨周 :蓝图下达2千房屋单位 发展商须承建公共巴刹


大蓝图下地段进行屋业 发展商须承建巴刹





■ 郑雨周:巴刹必须建在洛1地段。

( Reporter by Kwong Wah Yit Poh )

郑雨周:10万桶“环保酵素” 可替代100万棵树


Proposed DAP 2009 Budget Brief

Proposed DAP 2009 Budget Brief

A. Introduction
The DAP 2009 Malaysian budget brief focuses on the twin challenges of global economic slowdown and our high dependence on oil and gas resources.

(i) Expected Global Economic Slowdown
The International Monetary Fund has announced that there was a 25 per cent chance that global growth would also slump to below three per cent in 2008, which is equivalent of a world recession. The IMF said global expansion over the last several years had rapidly dwindled due to financial turmoil created by the ongoing sub-prime mortgage crisis in the US.

In this crisis which started in 2007, lenders offered loans to higher-risk borrowers who wereunable to pay their mortgages when interest rates went up. It has been estimated that thiscrisis in the US could spawn total losses of $945 billion.

As a result, housing prices in the US are sliding downward very rapidly resulting in a major stress on the US financial system.

Warren Buffett, often regarded as the world's wealthiest man, said the US economy is still in arecession and unlikely to improve before 2009. Optimism among US Chief Financial Officershave plummeted with three-quarters of them predicting a recession at some point during 2008and nearly 90 percent say the economy will not rebound until 2009.

Therefore, Malaysia's economy cannot be expected to escape unscathed from the global turbulence. The challenge for Malaysia's 2009 budget is hence how to soften the impact of the global economic slowdown and at the same time cushion its impact on the lower and middle income segments of the rakyat.

(ii) High Dependence on Oil & Gas Resources
Based on the latest figures provided by Petronas, Malaysia's government today is even more heavily dependent on oil and gas revenue than ever before. For 2008, oil and gas receipts is expected to contribute in excess of 40% of the Government's revenue, exceeding 37% the year before.

This is a worrying trend in the light of oil reserves which will last for only another 2 decades and Malaysia becoming a net oil importer by 2011.

The relative increase of the oil and gas dependence versus contribution from the other economic sectors effectively means that the rest of our economic activities have not grown by much, if at all. The all-important manufacturing sector which contributes to in excess of 30% of our economy, and employs 30% of our workforce, is expected by Bank Negara Malaysia to grow by a shocking 1.8%.

This also provides the basis for the fact that the rakyat do not feel any richer despite proclamations by the Government that the economy is doing well, as the rise in income from oil and gas sectors has not filtered down to the masses.

(iii) A Budget based on Competency, Accountability and Transparency (CAT)
The DAP Budget will serve as a distinct departure from the current administration's New Economic Policy (NEP) where racial factors plays the dominant role.

The underlying rationale and approach to our Budget is the “Malaysia Economic & National Unity Strategy” (MENU) which will be based on competence, accountability and transparency (CAT). MENU is a policy to bring about national integration through just and equitable economic policies where the poor, regardless of race, religion or creed are given priority. In Malaysia's context, where the bumiputeras comprises the majority of the poor, particularly those from East Malaysia, they will be the largest beneficiaries of our MENU strategy and its programmes.

At the same time, it is imperative for the Government to build new capacities for the future to ensure that our productivity increase is more than sufficient to replace declining contribution from the oil and gas sector. We will also need to strengthen our social security system to ensure that the poor, less fortunate and under-privileged are not left behind in our pursuit for excellence. The wealth of natural resources on our shores must be shared equitably to make sure that everyone gets to benefit and taste the fruits of our land.

In implementing CAT policies, we must shake off our habit of designing world-class blueprints, only to fail miserably in their implementation. The DAP will put in place a robust system to improve productivity and competitiveness of the government's delivery system.

B. Budget Allocation Overview
Finally, we will utilise responsibly all fiscal measures and tax instruments to ensure that the country does not bury itself in debt and to avoid expenditure on mega-projects which are unlikely to bring significant benefits to the population. Our policies are designed to make ourselves competitive relative to our neighbours as well as to nurture dynamic innovative and entrepreneurial Malaysians.

We are anticipating a small increase in government revenue of approximately 3%, largely driven by oil and gas revenues but limited by a decline in corporate taxes to RM154.5 billion. However, we intend to maintain budget expenditure to RM177 billion as per the Government's budget 2008.

However, the allocations for operational and development expenditure will be restructured toincrease the efficiency and effectiveness of government expenditure. Operational expenditurewill be reduced from RM129 billion to RM120 billion or a 7% reduction. On the other hand,development expenditure will be increased from RM48 billion to RM57 billion or an increase of19%.

Reductions in the government operating expenditure which has ballooned by more than 43% since 2005 will be achieved through strict enforcement via the policy of competency, accountability and transparency. The effects of such policies will create greater expenditure savings over the next few years.

Savings from reductions in operating expenditure will instead be channelled towards development expenditure which will have a greater economic multiplier impact. The major beneficiaries of the increase in development expenditure in the DAP Budget 2009 will be the education, transportation and health sectors.

As a result of financial prudence, increasing the effective utilisation of the Government's revenue, the Government will be able to reduce its budget deficit from its estimated 3.1% in 2008 to 1.4% in 2009, without compromising its ability to pump-prime the economy in a weak global economic environment.

C. Key Policies
1. Protect Oil Revenues
DAP intends to legislating the use of oil and gas revenue to ensure that a substantial portion of the revenue is spent on education as well as research and development to build the necessary economic capacity for Malaysia, to ensure that the increases in productivity and innovation will more than compensate for the expected decline in oil revenues.

It is proposed that a minimum of 30% of oil and gas revenues be invested in human capital and research and development, while another 20% be used to strengthen the social security for Malaysians who are in need.

A further 10% shall be locked and invested in a oil stabilisation fund in the shape of the very successful Norway's “Petroleum Fund” managed to protect the needs of our children and future generations to ensure that the economy will be able to withstand shocks to the system, especially when oil revenues run out within 2-3 decades.

Legislating the utilisation of funds will also prevent the misallocation of resources to bailout failed projects or other non-productive sectors ensuring transparency and accountability.

2. Investing in Education
RM45 billion accounting for 25% of the 2009 Budget will be allocated for education and training. The focus of the expenditure will be to enhance the qualitative elements of education instead of the quantitative elements. Of 100 new schools to be built, 25 and 5 will be Chinese and Tamil schools respectively to resolve the often severe overcrowding faced by many of these schools.

In addition, teachers will be given an average of 20% increase in pay-scale in order to attract some of Malaysia's best young talents to join the teaching force. This measure to arrest the decline, and increase the quality of teachers who are responsible for the education of our young ones. This increase in pay-scale is expected to cost approximately RM200 million for the 330,000 strong primary and secondary school teachers.

3. Creating An Efficient Transportation System
The development expenditure for transportation will be increased by 122% to from RM6.7 billion to RM15 billion to develop an holistic, efficient and convenient public transportation system for all congested urban city centres in Malaysia including the Klang Valley, Johor Bahru, Melaka and Penang.

This measure will seek long term solutions towards reliance on private motor vehicles ownership rate in Malaysia, which is among the highest in the world. Besides increasing the productivity of Malaysia's workforce, it will at the same time relieve the burden of the middle and lower income groups in the light of rising inflation as a result of significantly higher petrol prices.

A blueprint for the “Valley Circle” rail network will also be developed to improve inter-suburban connectivity, by-passing the congested Kuala Lumpur city centre.

4. Renegotiating Unfair Contracts
The Barisan Nasional Government's policies of guaranteeing highway toll concessionaires as well as independent power producers (IPPs) extraordinary profits with grossly unequal contracts with little or no risks to the latter are the clearest cases of the Government failing to protect public interest.

The impact of these policies are increasingly felt today with rapidly rising toll rates and energy prices. It is hence imperative that the Government renegotiate these contracts to protect the interest of the public within a 6 month period.

In the event whereby no significant headway is made in the negotiations, it is proposed that the Government move to acquire the assets of these entities. The resultant savings will then be passed on to consumers or be diverted to other public interest projects, such as the public transport system.

5. FairWage & Malaysia Bonus
As part of DAP's philosophy, no person or community in need, irrespective of race or religion will be denied the necessary government assistance. In line with this, the DAP will implement “FairWage”, a policy which serves to improve the livelihood of low wage earners above the age of 35, which will at the same time incentivise employers to provide increased employment opportunities.

The FairWage system represents a total reengineering of our existing social welfare systems, and ensures that the most needy within our society will receive the most assistance from the Government. The following provides a summary of what FairWage entails.

1. To increase that take-home pay, workers will contribute a lower rate to the EPF. For with pay below RM900 per month, employee contribution to the fund will be waived while for those with income of not more than RM1,400 per month, the employee's contribution to EPF shall be reduced from the current 11% to 5%.

2. To make them more employable, employers will reduce their rate of contribution to the EPF. For workers above the age of 35 to 55, earning between RM900 to RM1,400 per month, the employer contribution shall remain at the current 12%. For those earning less than RM900 per month in the same age group, the employer contribution shall decline to 10%.

3. To compensate for the above, the Government will give workers FairWage income supplements to achieve a higher level of income. For workers aged 45 and above, receiving monthly income below RM900 per month, they will receive an annual income supplement of RM2,400. For those workers above the age of 35 earning less than RM1,400 per month will receive RM1,600 per annum. An additional 10% on top of the income supplement shall be applied to those who live in the Klang Valley, Johor Bahru as well as on the Penang Island to cope with the higher cost of living.

Of the supplement, a quarter shall be in cash form, while the balance will be channelled into the EPF accounts. By channelling a larger portion into the EPF, it will help the workers save for their future needs.

Separately, a “Malaysia Bonus” of up to RM1,200 will be granted to Malaysians with income not more than RM3,000 per month.

Also, in order to assist the elderly above the age of 60, many who are having problems making ends meet, those qualified will enjoy an the “Senior Malaysian Bonus” of up to RM1,000. These bonuses are channelled into their respective EPF accounts.

The FairWage policy and Malaysian bonus will cost approximately RM9.3 billion to administer. It is part of the proposed programme to share the fruits of the nation's wealth, particular from the oil and gas sector with all Malaysians in need.

In the longer term, more assistance programmes will be carried out in this grant-based mechanisms which are means tested instead of via subsidies which are distortionary in their impact, and often disproportionately benefiting the wealthy.

6. Open, Competitive & Transparent Tenders
It part of our MENU strategy that all Government contracts should be tendered in an open, competitive and transparent manner, in line with our CAT philosophy. All qualified companies shall be provided with equal opportunities to secure Government supply contracts and projects.

To prevent overwhelming disruptions to the current system, this policy which is free from race-based requirements, shall be implemented on a gradual basis, commencing with projects or supply contracts sized above RM10 million for 2009. In view of the challenges brought by globalisation, all tenders shall be made competitive, open and transparent by 2015.

Assuming a conservative 10% savings is achieved via this CAT-based system, this will result in absolute savings in excess of RM5 billion per annum in conjunction with quality improvements on the Government's operational expenditure alone.

7. Open, Competitive & Transparent Auctions
Again in line with DAP's CAT philosophy, besides procurement, all sales of state assets, award of licenses and special rights shall be conducted via open, competitive and transparent auctions. All state land for example, must be alienated and sold under a competitive bidding system to ensure highest returns for the state.

In addition, as a part of our new source of revenue as well as to negate the rent-seeking culture, the approved permits (APs) such as those currently issued for free by the Ministry of International Trade & Industry to a select pool of “businessmen” shall be auctioned to the highest bidders instead.

Based on an estimated 70,000 APs issued per annum and a conservative RM25,000 market price, the auction will provide an additional RM1.75 billion to the government coffers.

8. Seeding Creativity & Innovation
The transformation of the Malaysian economy into one that is knowledge-based will not succeed without the critical ingredient of innovation and entrepreneurship. Therefore it is proposed that the Government set up a new RM250 million seed fund, STARTUP where we will act as a matching co-investment fund with reputable private investors who will assist in the mentorship of the start up companies.

To encourage private investor participation, losses incurred by such investments shall be tax deductible from the investors' individual or corporate income tax. To further boost entrepreneurship, start-ups shall enjoy full tax exemption on their first RM200,000 chargeable income for each of their first 3 years of assessment.

9. Revitalising Malaysian SMEs
Small medium enterprises constitutes approximately 99% of all enterprises in the country. However, their proportionate importance in terms of tax contributions to the Government has clearly declined with the increased dependence on oil and gas revenue.

With substantial increases in the cost of raw materials as well as steep increases in the price of fuel and electricity, many Malaysian SMEs are facing difficulties in maintaining competitiveness.

To revitalise the SME sector, and to assist many SMEs whose counterparts in many countries in the region enjoy significant tax advantages, it is proposed that the tax rate for SMEs on their first RM500,000 chargeable income be reduced to 18% from the current 20%.

In addition, a new partial tax exemption threshold will be set at RM200,000 and taxed at 12%. This means that a SME with a chargeable income of RM900,000 will be taxed at an effective rate of 18%, in line, particularly with its competitors across the causeway in Singapore. This measure will help make Malaysian SMEs to be more competitive and at the same time attract more SMEs to set up business in Malaysia, creating more employment opportunities.

10. Restructuring Personal Income Taxes
DAP is proposing a 1% reduction of the top tax bracket to 27%. More importantly however, there will be a revision and a simplification of the progressive tax brackets which will result in significant reduction in taxes by all.

Most importantly, to assist Malaysians to cope with the rise in living expenses, particularly in urban areas, the first RM15,000 chargeable income will become tax exempt, with the subsequent RM15,000 taxed at 7%. Currently, only the first RM2,500 is tax exempt while the next RM2,500 is taxed at 1%.

Based on the new tax structure, a married worker with RM3,000 pay per month, a full-time housewife who looks after 2 young children will pay no taxes, whereas under the previous tax structure, he will be expected to pay between RM55 to RM445 depending on his insurance premiums and medical expenses for his family, including parents.

11. Introducing Green Taxes
The rate of global climate changes is accelerating and it has become absolutely necessary for Malaysia to play its part in protecting the environment. Hence, a “Green Tax” is to be implemented in 2010 whereby a “carbon tax” is charged at RM25 per tonne of CO2 equivalent, with the exception of methane emissions from the agricultural sector as well as special exemptions for carbon intensive businesses which adopts global best practices on emissions.

In addition, a 5% severance tax shall be imposed on the extraction of metals and forestry products in the country. However, companies which secure certification from The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) accredited certification bodies will be granted the severance tax exemption for promoting responsible management of the forest.

12. Increasing Women Workforce Participation
Women will also benefit significantly with the proposed extension of paid maternity leave from 60 to 90 days if they have worked for at least 180 days prior to delivery with the employer. Their pay for the 3rd month will be shared equally by both the employer as well as the government.

This together with other complementary measures such as increasing childcare facilities in the workplace will play their role in strengthening the bond between the mother and child, promoting strong family values, while at the same time, encourage more women to join the workforce. As at 2004, Malaysian women participation in the work force stands at 47.3%, significantly below that of our neighbours, Singapore and Thailand at 53.9% and 64.2% respectively.

13. Reviving the Information Communications & Technology (ICT) Sector
When the Government launched the Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) project 10 years ago, it promised to make every effort to grow and support local MSC status companies. However, despite the rhetoric, the Government being the largest consumer of information technology services in Malaysia has not given preference to these companies.

It is therefore important that in this proposed budget, Malaysian MSC status companies be given specific preference in tendering for the Government IT-related contracts to help nurture these companies into successful regional players.

14. Participation of Civil Society
Finally, this budget represents a budget which seeks active involvement from the civil society. Instead of attempting to tackle all issues on its own, which the government wilnot be able to competently and effectively, sizeable grants will be made available to specialist non-governmental organisations (NGOs) to promote, educate and run various social causes and programmes.

RM240 million has been set aside as partial or full grants for NGOs to pursue environmental causes, eliminating poverty, promote healthy living, managing women issues or assisting the disabled, to be disbursed over the next 5 years.


A. 前言

(i) 全球经济预计放缓

(ii) 高度依赖石油和天然气资源

(iii) 以能干、公信及透明(CAT)为基础的预算
这份预算案亦跟目前政府所强调、以种族为主导的新经济政策绝对不同。本预算案所阐述的理念及采用的策略,乃以能干、公信及透明(CAT)为基础,并称之为“马来西亚经济及国民团结策略”(MENU)。 该策略旨通过公正、平等的经济政策,那就是不分种族、宗教或信仰地优先扶助穷人,带来国民团结。在马来西亚,土著占了贫穷阶级的绝大多数,特别是东马的土著,将会是这项策略及计划的最大受益群体。

B. 预算案拨款概述

C. 主要政策
行动党建议至少将30%的石油天然气税收入投资在人文资本、研究及发展,另外的20%则用在马来西亚需要帮助的一群,加强社会保障。 另外的10%将会被储蓄及投资在石油稳定基金,将挪威那样设立一个“石油基金”,以保障我们的孩子及新一代的需要,确保经济能够经得起制度改变的冲击,特别是未来20-30年内,石油的税收将用尽。

2. 教育投资

3. 创造高效率的公共交通系统
公共交通系统的发展开销将会增加122%,从67亿令吉增加至150亿令吉,在全马各个拥挤的城市包括巴生谷、新山及槟城发展一套全方位、有效率及便捷的公共交通系统。这项措施长远来说,可以减少马来西亚人对私家车的依赖,我国的私家车拥有率是全世界最高的。除了提高马来西亚劳工的生产力,同时,也能减轻中低层收放入者在汽油上涨后导致的通货膨胀所面对的负担。我们将推出一个称为“谷中圈”(Valley Circle)的铁路网发展蓝图,以提升各城郊的公共交通衔接度,从而避开高度阻塞的吉隆坡市中心。

4. 重新谈判不平等合约
5. 公平工资及马来西亚人花红
1. 增加员工的净所得,员工将缴纳较低的公积金。收入每月低入900 令吉者,雇员可豁免缴纳公积金而那些每月收入不超过1 400 令吉者,雇员的公积金缴交率将从目前的11%减少至5%。
为了使雇员具备可雇用条件,雇主将减少他们的公积金缴交率。至于35 至55岁的雇员,若每月收入介于900 令吉至1 千400 令吉,雇主缴交率将1. 雇主缴交率将保留在现有的12%,而那些每月收入少于900 令吉者,雇主缴交率将减少至10%。

2. 为了进行补偿,政府将提供公平工资收入辅助金以取得更高的收入。对于45 岁及以上的员工,若他们每月收入低于900 令吉,他们将获得每年2400 令吉的辅助金。对于35 岁以上、每月收入低于1 400 令吉,每年可获1 600 令吉辅助金。为了协助居住在巴生谷、新山以及槟岛的居民应付高生活水平,他们将获得辅助金的10 %的额外辅助。
6. 公开、具竞争力及透明的方式招标
7. 开放、竞争以及透明投标配合民主行动党推行的能干、公信及透明(CAT)信念,所有订购程序、州政府产业买卖、执照的批准以及特许权利应该透过公开,具竞争力以及透明的招标进行。比方说就所有州政府的土地而言,在转让与脱售的过程中,必须是在符合竞争标准的制度下进行,以确保州政府获取高额回酬。
若以政府每年预计发出 7 万张汽车入口准证,以及每张准证市价保守估计为2 万5千令吉计算,这类拍卖活动每年可为政府财库带来高达 17亿5千万令吉的收入。
8. 培植创意与创新精神
9. 重塑马来西亚中小型企业
在全国注册公司当中,有99%为中小型企业。然而中小型企业的重要性却随 着过度依赖石油和天然气收入而遽减。
若要重振中小型企业领域,同时协助我国的中小型企业跟全球相竞争,我们建议中小型企业首50 万令吉可征税收入所缴纳的公司所得税应从现有的20%调低至 18 %。
除此之外,我们建议从新的税务年开始,在 20 万令吉的水平上制订另一个豁免税务的新门槛,即首 20 万令吉可征税收入只缴纳 12 %的公司所得税。这意味着可征税收入高达 90 万令吉的中小型企业,所需缴纳的有效所得税为 18%。这种情况跟长堤对岸的新加坡竞争者所要缴纳的税率一样。这个措施能够助使马来西亚的中小型企业更具竞争力,同时吸引更多商家到马来西亚设立中小型企业,进而创造更多的就业机会。
10. 重组个人所得税
11. 根据新的税务架构,一名每月收入、育有两个孩子、妻子为全职家庭主妇及月入3千令吉的打工一族根本不必缴税。若根据原有的所得税制度,他预计需要缴付介于55至445令吉的所得税。(胥视其缴付的保险费,以及支付家人包括父母亲的医药费而定)

12. 推介绿色税务
除此以外,我们将针对国内的金属与森林产品征用5%的开采税。不过,获得森林管理委员会 (FSC) 所认可的公司,将可豁免缴纳开采税,从而推广负责任的森林管理作业。
12. 增加女性劳动力量的参与


14. 增加公民社会的参与